Sunday, December 2, 2012

It's only the beginning....

It’s hard to believe our first month of freedom is nearly over.  Slowly we are making our way to the big city smoke so Sham can return to work for a month, and Jane, Tulley and Roxy can spend Christmas with the family.

The sticky salty residue and scent of the ocean is washed away, and replaced by mains water showers. The soothing sound of the waves crashing, is now replaced by the constant hum of cars and modern technology.

All that remains of our first trip are the memories we hold, and the photos Sham took. As we share our photos and reflect upon the good times, the feelings of freedom, and of being alive amongst the elements, are re-ignited within.

Here is a taste of what we hold in our hearts.

Our cubby house
Not a bad view from the camper

Inside kitchen

With the full awning and annex set up, our home feels snug and secure, and living is a luxury.  The space of a king size bed is fantastic, but somewhat pointless, as Tulley seems to prefer sleeping on mum and dad’s heads instead of his side of the bed. The camper has stood her ground through some windy and stormy weather, and we only noticed the canvas flapping a few times when Tulley decided to remove the tent pegs and use them as implements to torment poor Roxy.

After 2 years, Jane has picked up her surf betty again
However, she needs ALOT more practise

Perfect bazzas for Sham 
Tulley runs a-muck, mum bathes and Roxy enjoys... a cup of tea??
Almost everyday Sham would catch us fresh fish
- skippy, salmon, herring, cod, snook, and abalone
Sham's awesome fry-up - best way to start the day.
Tulley's diet was pretty much fresh fish and boob

Epic sunsets

And thunderstorms

And one happy boy in mother nature's playground

That's all folks

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